Join us for a powerful screening of Ring of Silence, a gripping film about human trafficking, presented by the Petoskey District Library and Zonta Club of Petoskey. Following the film, stay for an insightful discussion with a panel of local experts. This film contains graphic content and depictions of sexual assault and human trafficking. Viewer discretion is advised, as these themes may be disturbing or triggering for some individuals.
Panelists include:
Danielle Bastien, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC (Henry Ford Health)
Keeley Frye, Victim Advocate & Community Education (Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians)
Justin Hall, FBI Agent (Traverse City FBI)
Megan King, Violence Prevention & Training Coordinator (Women's Resource Center of Northern Michigan)
Scott Lamont, Detective (Petoskey Department of Public Safety)
Rebecca Roth, PhD, Clinical Psychologist (Petoskey Psychological Health & Wellness)
Moderator: Laura Taylor DNP, CNM, PMHNP-BC
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