We’re excited to offer a kid-friendly yoga program for ages 3-5, along with their caregiver. Roberta Neumann, author of I am me! I love me! Simple Mantras for Lil’ Chakras, which introduces children to yoga and yogi practices through the natural...
We’re excited to offer a kid-friendly yoga program for ages 3-5, along with their caregiver. Roberta Neumann, author of I am me! I love me! Simple Mantras for Lil’ Chakras, which introduces children to yoga and yogi practices through the natural rhythms of life. Each session at the Library will feature a yoga story and lots of stretches. Younger and older kids welcome, too! Roberta uses self-affirming mantras, based on the seven yogi chakras, to help our lil’ yogis blossom with breathing exercises and yoga poses to help them relax, focus, and manage their emotions.
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